Monday, October 10, 2011

Lesson 3 The Unity of the Gospel

Join us this week as we review such topics as:

- The Importance of Unity
- Circumcision and the False Brothers
- Unity in Diversity
- Confrontation in Antioch
- Paul's Concerns

This weeks discussion question:  Very few people enjoy confrontation, but sometimes it is necessary. In what circumstances should a church condemn error, and discipline those who refuse to accept correction?

Standard Lesson PDF       

Enjoy! Have A Blessed Week.  Hope to talk with you soon. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lesson 2 - Paul’s Authority and Gospel

 Please enjoy this weeks lesson as we review such topics as:

           - Paul, the Letter Writer
           - Paul's Calling
           - Paul's Gospel
           - No Other Gospel
           - The Origin of Paul's Gospel

This weeks discussion question: In Paul’s greeting to the Galatians, he declared that Jesus’ death occurred for a specific reason. What was that reason, and what meaning does that have for us today?

Were waiting to hear from you - post your comments below !

Thank you and have a Blessed Week